In case the uploading process is stuck, please check your internet connection and click here to retry.
Eye-tracker is loading
Be patient, this can take up to 30 seconds.You're about to take part in an eye-tracking experiment.
We value your privacy, and we don't store any images or sound from your camera. Our system uses your camera to calculate what you're looking at and then present it as a heatmap.
You're about to take part in a study. Please read all the instructions carefully.
Before we begin, you need to accept RealEye Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.
In a few words: We value your privacy and don't store any images from your camera. It's not our intention to collect any personal data, and you always have the right to ask us to remove your data.
If your browser doesn't pop-up with a question about camera access, go to browser settings and enable camera, then click 'Check Again'. Click here if you need some help.
The camera is being used by another application. Please close other applications using the camera and try again.
OK. We can use your camera to do the task.
Stay in front of the screen for the whole time. Make sure no one will interrupt you for the next few minutes.